Christmas is a season of wonder, a season of light and warmth in the midst of the darkest and coldest time of year where often our homes and churches are adorn in such ways as to try to add to the wonder of the season. However, the problem for us today is barely different from the one faced over 2,000 years ago, a problem with space, with making room in our lives for the real wonder of the season.
Luke’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus’ birth and yet John’s Gospel declares the same promise, that the Word, the Word that was in the beginning with God, the very Word that spoke and brought all things into being, that this Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of truth and grace. Luke and John both declare the wonder of the promise that that God has come to us. Because if there is true wonder in life, this is it! The wonder of God, the creator, the one who brings all things into being, sends of himself to us, for us! The good news of the Christmas message is that God, out of love, makes room for us.
And the fruits of his love, the fruits of God’s love for us and in us, is always the same; Peace, hope, and Joy shared for the sake of the world!
This is why Christians gather regularly for worship, it is why we join together in acts of compassion and caring for the sake of the world, all because of the wonder of our God who so loved us that he send His Son for us and for our salvation.
May the wonder of the Christmas message bless and keep you all year though: ‘that unto us a child is born, unto a savior is given, and his name is Jesus’. May the wonder of this love fill always. Amen.