Confirmation October 28, 2012 - Dilworth Lutheran Church
“Off and On the Way”
There is a well know children’s book entitled: “Oh the Places
You’ll Go” written by Dr. Seuss that begins with these words: “Congratulations! - Today is your day. -
You're off to Great Places! -
You're off and away!”
Over the years I have heard this quote at high school and
even college graduations yet I don’t think that
Dr Seuss’ intention in writing this book was for college or even high
school graduates. Instead I suspect he wrote
for children, for children of all ages, young and old alike because the truth
be told we have “ALL” been “off and on our way” from the day we were born. “Off and on our way” as we moved from the
crib to the floor and soon were crawling out the door, “off and on our way” to
talking and walking and then running down the street, “off and on our way” to school,
“off and on our way” with friends, and at some point “off and on the way” with
the car but mostly just off and on our way with life and with living.
Our moving out into the world… began with our first breath…
and although it may seem like a long time ago to you as Confirmands, it was only
yesterday to many who are sitting in this room; parents and grandparents, aunts
and uncles, family members, mentors, neighbors, and friends.
And yet, it may feel like you’ve only just, that you are
just beginning to set your course, that you’re ready to be “off and on your
way” at any moment, ready to spring into life and through life and all that
life holds for you…. from high school, to graduation, to a trade, to a job, to
college, to a career, and much more.
And so, what does all of that have to do with this day… with
Well, a couple of things.
First, you need to know something you probably havn’t
thought too much about, but you are a result of your parents, your family, and
all those who have nurtured you who have been “Off and on their way”… for they too have
stood where you are standing … and what you may not understand… is that even
though they are older than you, they are “still”… moving out and moving on, off
and on ‘their’ way as well.
Second, all those people here (and more) have been a part, a
big of what has brought you to this day.
As you have been busy being “off and on your way” they have watching,
caring, nurturing and followed alongside, never more than just a few steps back… strengthening
you, encouraging you, cheering you on; but also protecting and guiding, seeking
what they have prayed, hoped, and believed was best for you and for your life.
Parents, along with all those others in and around your home,
have been and continue to be the most influential people in your life; they are
the ones who have passed on all sorts things to you; values, traditions,
practices, and not the least faith.
It is for that very reason they have walked with you over
years, bringing you to be baptized, bringing you to worship, bringing you
Sunday School, it is why have they have taken part in the milestone events and
blessing from 3rd grade Bibles, to First Communion, to the
Confirmation classes in 7, 8, and 9th grade as well as all other milestone
events and blessings in between.
And the reason is simple:
“They wanted what was best for you, they wanted you to grow up in such a
way… that as you continue to be “Off and on your way” that you would be blessed
in your moving on and in your growing up.
That you would not only have the tools necessary to go off and move out,
but that you would also have the values that would bless you and your
life. Why else would they come if not to bless your
life for all the places your life will take you?
Confirmation has long been a tradition in the Christian
church, a day that allows you as a young adult to affirm what you believe, to
confirm your faith and get this, not as a child, but as an adult, a young adult
ready to be “off and on your way”. Each
of you is well aware that you are no longer little children, but what you may
not know is that this is what your homes and families have been working at for
years, to see you grow into the adult you are becoming.
And even though your parents and family may at times think
this is happening all too quickly, it is what they want and desire for
you. It is also what God wants for you
as well. In fact at your baptism God
made a promise… to be with you always and that nothing, but nothing could
separate you from his promise of love and grace.
Now you maybe don’t remember hearing it but your parents,
sponsors and family promised to remind you, to tell you (and they have done
that, they have brought you to the services of God’s house, taught you the
Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the 10 Commandments). They placed in your hands the Holy Scriptures
and provided for your Christian education all because they believed that it
would bless you and your life as you move “off and on your way’ into life.
So how does what we do this day help you, assist you as you
continue to be “off and on your way”? For
it is our prayer, the prayer of this church, of your community of faith, along
with your home and family that this day will serve to remind you that we trust
and believe in a God who goes with us.
God doesn’t reside in a building nor does he reside in the framework
of a house. Instead God resides in
us. The promise and the hope of faith is
that our God is with us, that He is in us, calling us, caring for us, walking
with us no matter where we go or how far we go, knowing that there is never a
place too far that he will not be with us and for us.
This is the promise God made with you in baptism, that he
would be your God, that no matter what, nothing but nothing could or would
separate you from his promise and love.
And so as you continue to be “off and on your way” I would
ask you to remember the same four things we lift up for every home and family
in this community of faith:
First, make the time; indeed take time for caring and
trusted conversation with those in your home and in your life. It is so easy to get busy and not take the
time to share our thoughts and concerns with those who truly care for us and
for those whom we care for. And don’t do
this just once in a while, because it blesses you and blesses others.
Second, take time to visit with God, to pray. Yes, again we get busy and distracted, but as
people on of promise, in fact the early Christians were called ‘people of the
way’, take the time, make time for prayer and for devotions, it would not
surprise me if you don’t get some type of devotion book as a Confirmation gift…
use it, don’t lose it, its purpose is to bless you… and it will.
Third, make time for worship. What is the worst thing that happens to
people of promise, to people of the way who worship? Again,
I realize that life gets busy but in the midst of that business take the time
to come away from the busyness of life to worship… worship is a habit of life
for life, for all who are off and on their way and it will bless you and those
who worship with as well.
Last of all, serve… as people of the promise, as people of
the way, we have been blessed to be a blessing, think of all the people who
have blessed you, your have traveled with you to this day, serving others
rediscovers over and over again the blessings that come from walking with
And there is one thing, something that you are probably not
even aware but these things will bless the home and the children that someday
you will be preparing to be “off and on ‘their’ way”.
Today, as you come forward today to affirm your faith and
receive the laying on the hands know this, that in the midst of what you
believe about God, God believes in you, cares about you, loves you, for that
His promise to you. Also, remember that
the church is you, not someplace or someone else, but you. God chose you as his son and daughter and
appointed you to be his people, his church.
And finally, may what God believes about you guide you and your life all
through the way of your days.
Come this afternoon, come and hear, come and eat, then go
and be off and on your way… in faith.
Now may the peace which passes all understanding keep your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.